Consistent Global State in Distributed Systems

Category: Distributed Systems

Consistent Global State in Distributed Systems



Many problems in distributed computing boil down to being able to maintain a consistent global state, and to run predicates on that state in order to trigger events. The true state of a distributed system is the union of all node's states. However, since nodes don't share memory, the actual state must be meaningful when inferred solely based on messages passed among nodes.

A global state is said to be inconsistent if it never could have been constructed by an ideal external observer. This paper formalizes this concept into the context of a Global Predicate Evaluation (GPE), which determines if the system satisfies some predicate $\Phi$.

Asynchronous Distributed Systems

Define a distributed system as a set $P$ of sequential processes $p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_n$, and a network consisting of channels in which unidirectional communication is possible in the space of $P^2$. The network is assumed to be reliable, but may deliver messages out of order, and is taken to be strongly connected, but not necessarily fully connected (i.e. communication may require intermediate message passing).

It is useful to reason about distributed systems with the weakest possible assumptions, such that results hold for arbitrary systems.

Distributed Computations

A distributed computation is the execution of a distributed program over a collection of processes, each of which sequentially process a stream of events. Particularly, for two nodes to communicate, a message $m$ is enqueued on a channel via $send(m)$, and the message is dequeued via $receive(m)$. There is an obvious relationship between the happening of event $send(m)$ at process $p$, and the happening of event $receive(m)$ at process $q$, such that we can be sure $send(m)$ happened before $receive(m)$.