Depth First Search Algorithm and Tree Properties
Depth First Search (DFS)
Running DFS on a graph produces a DFS tree (or depth-first spanning-tree). The DFS tree contains all the vertices of the graph and the edges of the DFS tree are a subset of the edges of the original graph.
Unlike the BFS tree, DFS trees aren't minimum depth, and its levels don't really tell you much. However, the property holds that sub-trees of a DFS tree must not contain any edges connecting them.
Lemma: For a DFS tree of graph $G = (V, E)$ $T = (V_t, E_t)$, $\forall e = (x, y) \in E$, if $e \notin E_t$, then one of $x$ or $y$ is an ancestor of the other in the tree.
Proof: Without loss of generality, assume $x$ is discovered first.
Call $dfs(x)$. At this time, $y$ is still undiscovered. By observation, it is enough to say $y$ will be discovered before finishing $dfs(x)$. This is true because $y$ is a neighbor of $x$, so DFS will eventually visit $y$. If $y$ is still undiscovered when $x$ we visit $x$'s neighbors, it will at least be discovered then.
def dfs_recursive(G, src, vis = set(), f=print):
if src in vis:
for v in G[src]:
dfs_recursive(G, v, vis)
def dfs_iterative(G, src, vis=set(), f=print):
stack = [src]
while stack:
curr = stack.pop()
if curr in vis:
for v in G[curr]:
Properties of DFS Spanning Trees
DFS visits every vertex within the starting vertex's connected component, so you can use it to find all connected components of a graph similar to BFS.
However, unlike BFS, the DFS tree has the property that every non-tree edge joins a vertex to one of its ancestors/decedents in the tree. We can thus still use DFS to find cycles in a graph.